Click on the relevant section below to view the Agendas, associated reports and Minutes for Town Council and Committee meetings. Copies of these documents are published on the website and copies may be requested, although there may be a charge for this. The minutes are DRAFT until approved by the Committee Chairman.
CHAIR & TOWN MAYOR: Cllr Rae Frederick
Cllr Andrew Briers
Cllr Luke Dadford
Cllr Ingrid De Bruyn
Cllr Gareth DeBoos
Cllr Mary DeBoos
Cllr Janet Georgiou
Cllr John Haywood
Cllr Peter Kelleher
Cllr James Swyer
Cllr Michael Thierry
Cllr Glenys Turner
Cllr Becci Windsor
You can find the agendas, reports and minutes of the committee’s meetings by clicking on the buttons below for the relevant year and month
CHAIRMAN: Cllr Philip Day
VICE CHAIRMAN: Cllr Glenys Turner
Cllr Luke Dadford
Cllr Gareth DeBoos
Cllr Mary DeBoos
Cllr Janet Georgiou
Cllr Peter Kelleher
Cllr James Swyer
Cllr Becci Windsor
Ex-Officio Members:-
Cllr Rae Frederick (Town Mayor)
You can find the agendas, reports and minutes of the committee’s meetings by clicking on the buttons below for the relevant year and month
CHAIRMAN: Cllr Mary DeBoos
VICE CHAIRMAN: Cllr Peter Kelleher
Cllr Andy Briers (Chair of RLOS)
Cllr Luke Dadford
Cllr Philip Day (Chair of PTE)
Cllr Gareth DeBoos
Cllr Janet Georgiou
Cllr John Haywood
Cllr James Swyer
Cllr Glenys Turner
Cllr Becci Windsor
Ex-Officio Members:-
Cllr Rae Frederick (Town Mayor)
You can find the agendas, reports and minutes of the committee’s meetings by clicking on the buttons below for the relevant year and month
CHAIRMAN: Cllr Andy Briers
VICE CHAIRMAN: Cllr Becci Windsor
Cllr Gareth DeBoos
Cllr Mary DeBoos
Cllr Janet Georgiou
Cllr John Haywood
Cllr Peter Kelleher
Cllr James Swyer
Cllr Glenys Turner
Ex-Officio Members:-
Cllr Rae Frederick (Town Mayor)
Cllr Philip Day (Deputy Town Mayor)
You can find the agendas, reports and minutes of the committee’s meetings by clicking on the buttons below for the relevant year and month
CHAIRMAN: Cllr John Haywood
Town Mayor: Cllr Rae Frederick
Chairman of Policy & Finance: Cllr Mary DeBoos
Cllr Philip Day (ex-officio)
Cllr Peter Kelleher
Cllr James Swyer
Cllr Glenys Turner
You can find the agendas, reports and minutes of the committee’s meetings by clicking on the buttons below for the relevant year and month
The planning application for development of land off Moortown Lane has suffered another delay, and the developers must now engage with the Town Council to address our concerns.
The closing date for receipt of applications for the September round of grant aid is 4 September.
We are proud to announce that the Town Council has been accredited as a Living Wage Employer, reflecting our commitment to fair pay and ensuring the economic wellbeing of our employees.