Ringwood Town Council

Organisation and Staff

There is a small team of staff employed by Ringwood Town Council. Please find further details and contact information below. A Councillor - Officer Protocol was adopted on 20th December 2023 and can be viewed here

Chris Wilkins

Chris Wilkins

Job Role:  Town Clerk
Job Description:  Overall responsibility for advice to councillors, implementing decisions and effective management of the Council and health and safety.
E-mail address: chris.wilkins@ringwood.gov.uk
Telephone: 01425 484720

Jo Hurd

Jo Hurd

Job Role:  Deputy Town Clerk
Job Description:  Deputises for the Town Clerk. Specific responsibility for planning and staff/councillor training.
E-mail address: jo.hurd@ringwood.gov.uk
Telephone: 01425 484721


Rory Fitzgerald

Rory Fitzgerald

Job Role:  Finance Manager
Job Description:  Responsible for complete financial management.
E-mail address: rory.fitzgerald@ringwood.gov.uk
Telephone: 01425 484723


Alyson Greenfield

Alyson Greenfield

Job Role:  Finance Officer
Job Description:  Assists the Finance Manager in carrying out the financial function of the Council.
E-mail address: alyson.greenfield@ringwood.gov.uk
Telephone: 01425 473883


Nicki Vodden

Nicki Vodden

Job Role:  Office Manager and Meetings Administrator
Job Description:  Manages the Town Council office, co-ordinates committee meetings, prepares agenda papers and records minutes. 
E-mail address: nicola.vodden@ringwood.gov.uk 
Telephone: 01425 484722


Sam Bracher

Sam Bracher

Job Role:  Office Administrator / Information Officer
Job Description:  Provides administrative support to the Council, PA to the Town Mayor and deal with customer enquiries about Council services.
E-mail address: sam.bracher@ringwood.gov.uk
Telephone: 01425 473883


Sam, Lisa, and Helen

Sam, Lisa, and Helen

Job Role:  Information Officers
Job Description:  Provides customer advice and information on services provided by the Town, District and County Councils.
E-mail address: town.council@ringwood.gov.uk
Telephone: 01425 473883


Kelvin Wentworth

Kelvin Wentworth

Job Role:  Grounds Manager
Job Description:  Manages ground maintenance arrangements.
Contact via the Gateway office


Stephen, Paul, Barnaby and Duncan

Stephen, Paul, Barnaby and Duncan

Job Role:  Grounds Team
Job Description:  Carry out maintenance of playing fields (including some school & club contracts), open spaces, allotments, Ringwood cemetery and the closed churchyard.


Charmaine Bennett

Charmaine Bennett

Job Role:  Carvers Clubhouse Manager and Events Manager
Job Description:  Manages Carvers Clubhouse and the cafe team. Also Events Manager.
E-mail address: charmaine.bennett@ringwood.gov.uk
Telephone: 01425 501309


Sue Rogers

Sue Rogers

Job Role:  Carvers Café Supervisor





Call Ringwood Town Council On 01425 473883

or visit our offices at Ringwood Gateway

Keep up to date with what's happening in your town

Ringwood Town Council News

Innovative Digital Cemetery Map now available for all to use



Innovative Digital Cemetery Map now available for all to use

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new digital map of Ringwood Cemetery, now available on our website. This innovative tool allows residents and visitors to search for burial records and locate graves with ease.

Consideration of planning application for Moortown Lane development delayed in light of new Neighbourhood Plan



Consideration of planning application for Moortown Lane development delayed in light of new Neighbourhood Plan

A planning application for a development of over 400 houses on land off Moortown Lane was due to be considered by New Forest District Council’s Planning Committee on 10 July but was removed from the agenda at the 11th hour. One of the reasons given was the recent adoption of the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan by the authority, which must be taken into consideration when determining planning applications as it is now part of the Development Plan.

Carver's Clubhouse Kicks Off Summer Programme for Local Families



Carver's Clubhouse Kicks Off Summer Programme for Local Families

The summer programme at Carvers Clubhouse offers a wide range of activities designed to keep local families, children and young people engaged and entertained throughout the school holiday.