Ringwood Town Council

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Ringwood Town Council News

Community Bowls Tournament: An Afternoon of Fun, Competition, and Camaraderie



Community Bowls Tournament: An Afternoon of Fun, Competition, and Camaraderie

On Sunday 23rd June Ringwood Bowling Club hosted a fun-filled tournament, bringing together Ringwood Town Council and Ellingham & Ringwood RFC members for an afternoon of friendly competition.

Ringwood Neighbourhood PLan goes to Referendum on 4 July



Ringwood Neighbourhood PLan goes to Referendum on 4 July

Residents are encouraged to vote in the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan Referendum on 4 July, the same day as the General Election. A majority “yes” vote will mean that the Plan is adopted by New Forest District Council and New Forest National Park Authority and must be taken into account when deciding planning applications.

New Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor



New Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor

At last night’s Annual Meeting, Cllr Rae Frederick was elected as the Town Mayor and Cllr Philip Day was elected Deputy Town Mayor.