Ringwood Twinning Visit 26-29 May 2023

Ringwood Twinning Visit 26-29 May 2023

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

Last weekend, the Ringwood Twinning Association hosted a group of visitors from Ringwood’s twin town in France, Pont-Audemer. Click on the image above to read all about it.

Eco-Friendly Planting

Eco-Friendly Planting

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

You may have noticed that we haven’t planted the usual bedding flowers on the town roundabout this year. Click on the photo above to find out why.

Infrastructure Upgrade at Ringwood Water Recycling Centre

Infrastructure Upgrade at Ringwood Water Recycling Centre

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

Wessex Water will shortly be starting a project to upgrade infrastructure at the Ringwood Water Recycling Centre, off Hampshire Hatches Lane. This £1.8 million scheme will get under way on Monday 5 June and is expected to continue for around seven months, until the end of December 2023. Click on the image above to view the press release from Wessex Water.

Annual Town Assembly

Annual Town Assembly

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

The 2023 Annual Town Assembly will be held at Ringwood Gateway on Wednesday 31st May, beginning at 7pm. This is an open public meeting and all residents are invited to attend.

Town and Parish Council Elections - 2023 Results

Town and Parish Council Elections - 2023 Results

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

The results of elections held on 4 May 2023 have now been declared.

Gathering on The Green - Ringwood Celebrates the Coronation of The King

Gathering on The Green - Ringwood Celebrates the Coronation of The King

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

As part of a nationwide act of celebration and friendship to mark the Coronation of His Majesty the King and her Majesty the Queen, Ringwood Town Council is delighted to be hosting a celebratory event on Sunday 7th May 2023 on Bickerley Village Green - click on the image above for further detail.

District and Town Council Elections - 4 May 2023

District and Town Council Elections - 4 May 2023

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

The Statements as to Persons Nominated have now been published. Click on the image above for further information.

Grants to Local Organisations

Grants to Local Organisations

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

An update on recent community grants awarded by the Council.

Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan - Update

Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan - Update

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

Click on the image above for an update on the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan

District and Town Council Elections - 4 May 2023

District and Town Council Elections - 4 May 2023

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

Local elections for New Forest District Council and Ringwood Town Council will be held on 4 May 2023. Click on the image above to access information for voters and candidates.