Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan 2023 - 2036

Welcome to the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan Overview

The Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan outlines a community-led vision for the sustainable development and growth of Ringwood. It addresses key areas such as housing, infrastructure, local economy, and the environment, ensuring that Ringwood remains a vibrant and welcoming place for residents, businesses, and visitors alike.  

What is the Neighbourhood Plan?

The Neighbourhood Plan is a document created by the local community to guide future development in Ringwood. It reflects the priorities and values of our residents and aims to shape Ringwood’s growth over the coming years.  It is a statutory planning document setting out planning policies for the development and use of land, and must be taken into account when deciding planning applications.

Highlights of the Plan:

1.    Affordable Housing:The Plan prioritises smaller, affordable homes and will support a community where everyone can find a place to call home.
2.    Sustainable Practices:The Plan champions sustainability and includes energy efficiency standards to reduce our carbon footprint, making Ringwood a greener place to live.
3.    Preserving Ringwood’s Charm:The Design Code within the Plan safeguards our town’s unique character and heritage.
4.    Environment:The Plan designates a Green Infrastructure and Nature Recovery Network and promotes biodiversity and improvements to green spaces.  It also encourages active and healthy travel and identifies opportunities for improvements to walking and cycling routes.
5.    Town Centre:The Plan supports a successful and prosperous town centre and promotes regeneration opportunities to deliver retail, cultural, environmental and business investment.
6.    Increased Funding:The Town Council’s share of the Community Infrastructure Levy rises to 25%, providing additional resources for local projects.

Community Involvement
The Neighbourhood Plan was developed through extensive consultations with local residents, businesses, and community groups. We believe that a successful plan reflects the views of those who live and work in Ringwood.

Planning Policy
The draft Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan was subject to local referendum on 4 July 2024. At this referendum a total of 83% of those who voted supported the plan, with a turn-out of 59%. Following this positive public endorsement, the Plan was adopted (or ‘made’) by both New Forest District Council and the New Forest National Park Authority.  The adopted Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan forms part of the statutory ‘development plan’ for both authorities.

What’s Next?
The Neighbourhood Plan will be reviewed periodically to ensure it continues to reflect the needs and aspirations of our community. As we move forward, your input remains essential in shaping Ringwood’s future.

Get Involved
We encourage all residents to stay engaged with the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan. For upcoming consultation events or updates on Plan implementation, please follow our social media posts or check our website. 

Related Links
Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan 
Appendix A – Ringwood Strategic Masterplan
Appendix B – Ringwood Design Guidance and Codes
Appendix C – Ringwood Local Distinctiveness Supplementary Planning Document
High Resolution Version of Maps

Further information on the making (adoption) of the Plan and the Referendum can be found on the planning authority websites:

Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan - New Forest District Council
Neighbourhood planning - New Forest National Park Authority

Call Ringwood Town Council On 01425 473883

or visit our offices at Ringwood Gateway

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The Council has a number of vacancies. Click for details and apply to join our team.

Christmas Message and Opening Hours



Christmas Message and Opening Hours

Wishing all Ringwood residents and businesses a Very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year. Click on the image for our opening hours over the Christmas period.

Update on Ringwood's Christmas Lights



Update on Ringwood's Christmas Lights

We have continued to work hard behind the scenes today and have received assurances that the remainder of the town’s Christmas lights will be installed tonight (5th December).

Whilst we do not expect this will draw a line under the matter—there will be important discussions to be had in the New Year—we hope that after tonight we will have a complete and festive display. Our goal remains to ensure that the town looks its best, encouraging everyone to visit and support our local businesses.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.