Living Wage Employer Accreditation

Living Wage Employer Accreditation

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

Ringwood Town Council is proud to announce that it has officially been accredited as a Living Wage Employer. This significant achievement reflects the Council's commitment to fair pay and ensuring that employees are compensated in a manner that reflects the true cost of living. As part of this accreditation, every worker aged 18 and over will now receive a minimum hourly wage of £12, which is higher than the government's current minimum wage for those over 21, set at £11.44 per hour.

The Real Living Wage is the only rate calculated on the actual cost of living, offering a voluntary benchmark for employers who aspire to provide their staff with a wage that truly meets everyday needs, rather than just the legal minimum. Since its inception in 2011, the Living Wage movement has successfully delivered a pay rise to over 460,000 workers across the UK and injected £3 billion into the pockets of those earning the least.

Cllr John Haywood, Chair of the Council’s Staffing Committee, who championed the initiative, shared his enthusiasm: 

"Ensuring that our employees are paid a fair wage that reflects the true cost of living is not just the right thing to do—it's essential for fostering a motivated, committed workforce. At Ringwood Town Council, we believe in leading by example. By becoming a Living Wage Employer, we are making a clear statement about our values and our dedication to the wellbeing of our staff. This accreditation is a testament to our commitment to supporting the community we serve."

This move by Ringwood Town Council sets a positive precedent for other local employers, encouraging them to consider the Real Living Wage as a standard for fair and sustainable employment practices.

You can find out more about the Living Wage by visiting