Remembrance Commemorations in Ringwood

Remembrance Commemorations in Ringwood

  • By: Ringwood Town Council

Over the Remembrance period there are a number of commemorative services taking place for the people of Ringwood to come together to remember and honour the service and sacrifice of all those that defended our freedoms and protected our way of life.

This will begin on Saturday 2nd November with a service at the War Graves in Ringwood Cemetery. Poppy crosses will be laid on the graves of service personnel whose last resting place is Ringwood. This service is open to all; meet in the Cemetery Car Park at 10.45am and then walk to the Graves.

On Sunday 10th November, Remembrance Sunday, there will be various services around the town after which a parade will gather in the Market Place from 11:30am. Shortly after, those assembled will process to the War Memorial Garden where there will be a short service followed by the formal Act of Remembrance at 12 noon. This will be followed by a formal wreath-laying ceremony and a procession back to Market Place.

Members of the public are warmly invited to attend and to bring their own tributes which may be laid at the appropriate time. A short road closure will be in place to allow the procession to take place safely.

On Armistice Day, Monday 11th November, there will be a service at the War Memorial at 10.45am and at 11am the National 2 Minutes Silence will be observed. In accordance with local tradition, the start and end of the silence will be marked by the firing of a maroon which will generate a loud bang to be heard around the town.

The parade and service at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday are organised by Ringwood Town Council in association with Royal British Legion.