Ringwood Town Council

Parks, Play Areas and Gardens

Ringwood Town Council maintains several parks and open spaces. Why not explore the green spaces we look after for the town? Begin reconnecting with Ringwood’s quieter outdoor corners and get more information on children’s play areas.

Carvers Recreation Ground

Carvers is a large, popular, park located in the heart of Ringwood in Southampton Road. There is a cricket pitch and pavilion, a bowling club and green, as well as a play area and of course the Skate Park.

Carvers Play Area is designed for use by children up to the age of 14, with not one but two slides! One slide is double width so mum or dad can go with toddlers or children can slide in pairs. You will also find swings, climbing frames and rockers here
what3words /// retrial.shuttle.handlebar

Carvers Playground

Carvers Clubhouse

Carvers Clubhouse is a purpose built Youth & Community Centre which was officially opened by the Leader of Hampshire County Council, Cllr Roy Perry, in February 2016. Carvers Clubhouse is situated adjacent to the skate park at Carvers Recreation Ground, Southampton Road, Ringwood, BH24 1JD. what3words //nowadays.bypasses.nothing

Carvers Clubhouse

Toad Corner

This is a small play area, opposite Poulner Junior School, is so named because it is located adjacent to the road where the annual toad crossing patrol is carried out by volunteers. The play area is designed for use by children up to the age of 8 and has a climbing frame, swings, seesaw and rocker. what3words /// august.hilltop.pavillions

Toad Corner Play Park

Ash Grove

Designed for children up to the age of 10, the refurbished Ash Grove Play Area was opened on 15 March 2012. As it is in a semi-rural location, off Eastfield Lane, the area has been designed to have a rustic feel, with plenty of grassy areas, lots of seating, big tree stumps for jumping across, as well as slides, swings, a rocker and climbing frames. The project was made possible by a grant of £20,000 from The Veolia Environmental Trust through the Landfill Communities Fund, the release of £20,000 from Developers’ Contributions and funding from Ringwood Town Council of £20,000.
what3words /// moss.like.unleashed

Ash Grove Play Park

War Memorial Ground

The War Memorial Ground was created to commemorate those who have lost their lives in the service of their country. It is a popular park, located not far from the town centre, between Christchurch Road and The Close. what3words /// patching.spindles.damp

War Memorial Ground

Dr Little's Garden

This is a small park just off The Sweep, close to the town centre. It is popular with local dog walkers. what3words /// nylon.thudded.assorted

Dr. Littles Garden

Jubilee Gardens

Although it is situated very close to the A31 dual carriageway, the Jubilee Gardens is an attractive place to visit. The river runs close alongside and perhaps it is this that deflects the noise of the traffic and creates a reflective atmosphere. For people working in the Town’s Market Place, it is a handy park for a sandwich at lunchtime. what3words /// rejoiced.also.cookers

Jubilee Gardens

Danny Cracknell Pocket Park

In 2010, part of the Bickerley, known as Pocket Park, was given a major ‘makeover’ and renamed Danny Cracknell Pocket Park, in memory of former Councillor and Town Mayor the late Danny Cracknell. This park now provides access to the picturesque Mill Stream, overlooking an area of special scientific interest, with views across the meadows to the south. This fulfils one of the ‘wishes of residents’ identified in the Town Plan consultations in 2008. The park has a user-friendly footpath leading down to the water’s edge for access for the disabled in wheelchairs.  The bank of the Mill Stream was strengthened with revetments and reed beds to make the area safer for young children. what3words /// unites.lofts.duet

Cracknell Park

Poulner Lakes Open Space

Previously part of extensive gravel workings to the north of the town, Poulner Lakes now provides a much valued public open space. It is an ideal site for walks and/or picnics, providing a natural habitat of wildlife and meadow flowers. There are links to footpaths into the New Forest. what3words /// nourished.qualified.calendars

Poulner Lakes

The Mount

The Mount is located at Narrow Lane, Poulner. It is a grassy hilltop open space, with spectacular views, much enjoyed by local residents for dog walking and by children for playing. what3words /// unguarded.example.covertly

The Mount

Bickerley Village Green

The green space known locally as simply ‘the Bickerley’ was created as a Village Green on 19 December 1990. This involved the combination of 468 sq. metres of land, formerly part of Maybridge Farm, and the original Bickerley Common, 311 sq. metres of land. A Village Green is a highly protected area, for the benefit of local people. It is maintained and managed by the Council and sometimes plays host to fun fairs and festival events. Please contact the office for more information.  what3words /// quietest.situates.mainframe


Raymond Brown Nature Reserve

The late Raymond Brown, Founder of the Raymond Brown Group of Ringwood, always took a great interest in the natural habitats of birds and wild animals.  During his lifetime he quietly supported many voluntary projects within Ringwood. To mark his contribution to the Town and his love of wildlife, Raymond’s family funded the creation of a Nature Reserve on Town Council land between the Castleman Trail Way and the Bickerley Millstream. Access to the Nature Reserve is from the County Council’s Castleman Trailway. what3words /// language.districts.agree

Opening Times: Because of the sensitive nature of the Reserve, and in order to protect ground-nesting birds during the late Spring/early Summer and the overwintering birds during the Winter period, the Reserve will only be open for public access during the months of July, August and September.

Raymond Brown Nature Reserve

Call Ringwood Town Council On 01425 473883

or visit our offices at Ringwood Gateway

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Ringwood Town Council News

Carvers Clubhouse Goes Green with Solar Power Installation



Carvers Clubhouse Goes Green with Solar Power Installation

We are proud to announce the installation of solar panels at Carvers Clubhouse, a significant step towards sustainability and reducing the community centre’s environmental impact.

Grant Aid Scheme - open for applications



Grant Aid Scheme - open for applications

Applications are now open for the Council’s Grant Aid Scheme, with a deadline of 5 March 2025. Click on the picture above for details.

Town Council Newsletter - Edition 2



Town Council Newsletter - Edition 2

Issue 2 of our Council Newsletter was published on 22 January 2025 - click on the image above to read.