Ringwood Town Council

Information Service and Visitor Information

Ringwood Gateway

Ringwood Gateway

Ringwood Gateway, the Furlong, is the building that Ringwood Town Council share with New Forest District Council and Hampshire County Council. The Town Council manages the building and the information service at the Reception desk. Visitors may obtain advice on Council services, help with general enquiries and purchase parking clocks for the Furlong car park.

The postal address is :- Ringwood Gateway, The Furlong, Ringwood, Hampshire. BH24 1AT what3words /// inserting.breached.immunity

Ringwood Gateway is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am - 4pm (Closed on Tuesdays).



Visitor Information

Visitor Information

Ringwood Town Council provides a 'self-service' selection of visitor information leaflets at
Ringwood Gateway.
what3words /// inserting.breached.immunity

The Information Officer's on the front desk can help with general enquiries
about the New Forest area.

Visitor Information on the New Forest can be found by visiting the following websites:-
New Forest Official Visitor Website|Accommodation|Attractions
New Forest National Park Authority
Forestry England



Car Parking

Car Parking

Car Parks owned and operated by New Forest District Council

Blynkbonnie Car Park BH24 1DN:- situated between Christchurch Road and Bickerley Road (access via Christchurch Road), charges apply from 8am to 6pm daily. 74 long stay spaces (20 hour limit), 40 short stay spaces (3 hour limit), 6 disabled spaces, 1 motorcycle space, no toilets. what3words /// ruler.calculate.bottled

Furlong Car Park BH24 1AT:- charges apply from 8am to 6pm daily. 347 long stay spaces (stay limited to 20 hours), 342 short stay spaces (stay limited to 3 hours), 18 disabled spaces, 1 motorcycle space, toilets available in the short stay car park, height barrier at entrance, 4 electric vehicle charging points, height barriers 2.1 metres/6 foot 8 inches maximum head room at entrance (in long stay car park) what3words /// dairy.bloodshot.sling AND what3words /// plugs.expand.hope

Parking Clocks may be used in these car parks and are available from Ringwood Gateway Council Offices, NFDC Customer Services on 023 8028 5000 or via the New Forest District Council website.

A lorry and coach park (usually available in the evenings) is situated between the A31 and The Furlong


Ringwood Business Community logo

Ringwood & Fordingbridge Business Community

In October 2024, we were thrilled to mark the first anniversary at Ringwood & Fordingbridge Business Community (RFBC), dedicated to creating a vibrant forum for purposeful B2B networking in the Ringwood and Fordingbridge area. Our mission is to connect like-minded individuals, foster effective business collaborations, and unlock new growth opportunities for B2B businesses.

Over the past year, we've hosted four engaging in-person events, with an incredible response from our community, including a waiting list for one of our gatherings! Each event features diverse formats—guest speakers, workshops, and expos—ensuring fresh and valuable experiences every time.

By participating, you’ll connect with local entrepreneurs and business people, share innovative ideas, and explore exciting avenues for growth. The more businesses that join us, the stronger our local community becomes, enhancing beneficial B2B connections for everyone.

We've heard from many new businesses that our events have been invaluable as they get started. Remember, there is always hope and help at our networking events! Together, we can make a significant difference.

We are also proud to support fundraising efforts through STARF - Stronger Together Across Ringwood & Fordingbridge. In the coming year, we’ll collaborate with Bickerley Green Care Home to raise funds for a much-needed minibus for their residents.

Let’s continue to support one another and strengthen our community! Here’s to another year of networking with purpose!

The next event will be held on Tuesday 11 February between 4.30pm and 6.00pm at Moyles Court School.  Click here to reserve you space.  All welcome.

This session will follow the below format:
4.30-5pm open networking
5pm updates on charity efforts
5.10-6pm café style networking. Matching local businesses with local needs and interests to share and promote the talents and solutions we have locally.

We run these events for free to support our local business network and to ensure that our charities get the maximum attention from all possible attendees. However if you would like to support us by sponsoring the drinks or nibbles then we would gratefully accept that support.

At this session we will provide a printed business directory listing of all attendees and their company name. If you would not like to be added to that list please let me know.

Upcoming RFBC Dates for your Diary

  • Tuesday 13th May – Fordingbridge location
  • Tuesday 9th September – Moyles Court
  • Tuesday 9th December – Christmas drinks (Ringwood)

Interested in Joining? To attend future events or subscribe to our mailing list, please reach out to Cllr Rae Frederick at cllr.r.frederick@ringwood.gov.uk. We welcome any suggestions, ideas, or offers of support to enhance our events and fundraising initiatives.

Stay Connected! Join us on Facebook to keep up with the latest news and events from the Ringwood & Fordingbridge Business Community.

Spread the word and help us grow! Together, we can create a thriving business landscape in our area.

For local business support and advice, there is a wealth of information on the New Forest District Council website for both existing and new businesses.

Healthy Walk - Hampshire County Council

Walking & Cycling

Walking is a good form of exercise and there are many benefits of regular brisk walking. to encourage people to take regular exercies, four short circular walks close to residential areas have been identified, which are easy to walk and follow. 


Healthy Walks leaflets

Ringwood Walk 1               Ringwood Walk 2

Ringwood Walk 3               Ringwood Walk 4

All of the routes are waymarked with a white arrow and red heart. 

Other useful links

Exploring Ringwood local walking routes              Castleman Trailway - Dorset Council

https://www.newforestnpa.gov.uk/todo/walking/              Walking in Hampshire

The Avon Valley Path | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)


Registrars Service

Registrars Service

Hampshire County Council Service:

Registration Office for Births, Deaths and Ceremonies (by appointment only) is available at Ringwood Gateway.

The Forest Suite can also be booked for ceremonies.

For further information and to book an apointment please visit: www.hants.gov.uk/birthsdeathsandceremonies
Tel: 0300 555 1392
Email: cercosouthhants@hants.gov.uk


Pont Audemer Shield


Ringwood & District Twinning Association

Our Twin Town in France is Pont Audemer  in Normandy. It has a population of approximately 9,000.  Like Ringwood with the river Avon, a distinctive feature of the town is its river, the Risle. The town has a medieval core of half-timbered houses adjacent to a small network of canals which is a charming and interesting backdrop to the more modern parts of the town.

For further information 

Call Ringwood Town Council On 01425 473883

or visit our offices at Ringwood Gateway

Keep up to date with what's happening in your town

Ringwood Town Council News

Carvers Clubhouse Goes Green with Solar Power Installation



Carvers Clubhouse Goes Green with Solar Power Installation

We are proud to announce the installation of solar panels at Carvers Clubhouse, a significant step towards sustainability and reducing the community centre’s environmental impact.

Grant Aid Scheme - open for applications



Grant Aid Scheme - open for applications

Applications are now open for the Council’s Grant Aid Scheme, with a deadline of 5 March 2025. Click on the picture above for details.

Town Council Newsletter - Edition 2



Town Council Newsletter - Edition 2

Issue 2 of our Council Newsletter was published on 22 January 2025 - click on the image above to read.